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Who we are
The Testcenter Rhein-Main (TRM) GmbH is a spin-off company of the TU Darmstadt. It is organised purely as a private company. The TU Darmstadt has neither an organisational nor an economic stake in the company. TRM thus acts entirely on its own account and at its own risk. The cooperation with the TU Darmstadt is regulated by a cooperation agreement. For the joint use of equipment and the exploitation of TU know-how, usage and licence agreements are used in each individual case.
The CEO Dr. Norbert Fecher, is also senior engineer at the Department of Automotive Engineering at the TU Darmstadt. His part-time work in the spin-off company is limited to one day per week. Please take this into account in any response times.
We provide our extensive services in cooperation with closely integrated framework contract companies as well as with an established network of well-known suppliers from the local area.